1. Collect Personal Information
To access or use our websites better, we will ask you to provide necessary personal information. We will collect the information required for specific, clear and legal purposes, and will never use your personal information for other purposes than the specified ones. You have the right to determine whether to provide the information we required, but if you refuse to provide the same, you are very likely unable to enjoy our services or use our website.
We may collect the following types of information:
(1) Personal information, e.g., your name, nationality, age, gender, date of birth, marital status, contact information, interest and hobbies, email address, home address, income, etc. By logging into the Site or participating in any activities through the Site, you voluntarily agree to provide the said personal information for us. Your refusal to provide some personal information may affect the use of some services or functions of the Site;
(2) Information we may collect when you use the Site or our services, including log information concerning the use of the Site, e.g., Cookie, IP address, time of visit, type of browser, operating system, browse records, and websites you browsed before and after accessing the Site;
(3) Non-personal identity information. We may also collect other types of information that is not directly or indirectly relating to an individual, moreover, such information may not be defined as personal information according to local laws and regulations. Such type of information may include the statistics (e.g., page view, user click, browse behaviors, etc.) generated from the use of specific services. We collect the said information for the purpose of improving the products or services we provide for you. The type and quantity of information to be collected depend on the way you use our websites or services;
(4) If you access or use the Site through mobile devices or applications, the information we will collect may include the type of your devices, operating system, the country you are domiciled and geographical location, interaction with other users based on the server log information and applications, and any other information you are willing to provide.
Cookies and Other Technologies
To guarantee smooth operation of the Site, we will sometimes store some small pieces of data, known as Cookies, in your computers or mobile devices. A Cookie is a text-only file stored by a web server in a computer or mobile device. The content of a Cookie can be retrieved or read only by the server that has created it. Each Cookie is unique to the browsers or mobile applications you use. Cookie generally includes identifier, site name, and some numbers and characters. By Cookie, a website can store the data about the user’s preference or or pages you have browsed.
Like many other websites, YOOZ uses Cookies for the purposes of improving the user experience and increasing our service quality. By Cookie, a website can remember a user’s single visit (using session Cookie) or multiple visits (using permanent Cookie). By Cookie, a website can save settings, e.g., language, font size, and other browsing preferences of a computer or mobile device, meaning that you do not have to reset your preferences at the time of each visit. Without cookies, websites would treat you like a new visitor every time you load a web page. For example, if you are redirected to another web page from a website you are already logged in to and then return to the original website, it will not recognize you and you have to log in again. YOOZ will not use Cookie for any purposes other than those specified herein. You may manage or delete Cookie according to your own preferences. You may clear all the Cookies stored in your computer, and most web browsers have the function of preventing or deleting Cookies. If you choose to do so, then you have to change your user settings each time when you visit our websites.